The sexual health of men depends on many factors: the frequency of sexual contact, nutrition, lifestyle. Physical activity is far from the last place on this list. It is known that a sedentary lifestyle causes congestion in the pelvic area, leads to the development of genitourinary diseases and disorders, including erectile dysfunction. Exercises for potency will help to cope with these problems, increase erection and prolong intimacy.

The benefits of exercise
A man can face problems in bed at any age. A single misfire does not yet indicate the development of impotence. The reasons for failure can be hidden in stress, excitement, overwork, recent illness, inappropriate environment, prolonged abstinence. But if this happens regularly, then you need to reconsider your attitude to health and visit a doctor. Another contributing factor is being overweight. Often in men with an abdominal type figure, internal organs are displaced due to fat deposits. The circulation of the genital organs is disturbed, the work of the heart, liver, stomach and pancreas suffers. There are frequent headaches, diabetes mellitus, persistent hypertension develops.
And fat cells also contribute to the production of the female hormone estrogen, the excess of which negatively affects libido and potency. Exercises to increase potency in men doing at home should be included in the daily routine of the stronger sex who has passed the 40-year mark. So the chances of being in an unpleasant situation will be much less. Furthermore, a healthy lifestyle increases the chances of longevity. Physical activity has a positive effect on potency due to:
- Increase the level of testosterone in the blood. It is a male sex hormone produced in the adrenal cortex and testicles. Strength exercises contribute to its active production.
- Improvement of lymphatic flow. Lymph stagnation leads to tissue swelling, which causes erection problems.
- Maintaining a normal psychological state. Charging in the morning will invigorate, give energy and strength, improve mood.
- Strengthening of blood circulation. Active training makes the cardiovascular system work faster. The lungs move more air, which ensures that the blood is saturated with oxygen and its supply to the genitals.
Symptoms that can be alleviated with daily exercise
If you constantly perform exercises to improve power, working to increase the load, you can get rid of such a group of symptoms as:
- lethargy of the member in the intercourse process;
- lack of morning erection;
- low testosterone levels and decreased sex drive;
- premature ejaculation;
- weak orgasm.
Important! Stretching and tightening muscles, running, swimming contribute to weight loss, toning blood vessels, improving blood circulation and increasing male sexual strength.
The best complex gymnastics to increase and improve power
In addition to general exercise, special exercises need to be performed to increase libido. They affect the lower body: legs, buttocks, perineum, lower back. Increased blood circulation in this area will contribute to high-quality arousal and strong potency. Any workout should start with a warm-up. Rotate your head, arms, hips, squat, lean forward, back and to the sides. This will help stretch the joints, disperse the blood and warm up the muscles. 5-7 minutes of simple exercises will save a man from injury during more intense loads. Important! Gymnastics must be done systematically. So a significant result will be evident in a month.
morning workout
The exercises begin immediately after waking up, when the penis is in an erect state. If the sexual organ is not aroused in the morning, an erection is created independently:
- Bounce your penis.
- The number of jumps increases every day, trying to do 10-15% more than last time.
- With discomfort and pain, they stop and reduce the load.
Training of the pubic-coccygeal muscle
Training of the pubic-muscular muscle (Kegel muscles, PC muscles) is performed as follows: the hand is placed between the testicles and buttocks. Tighten this area, feeling the tension in it. This is the Kegel muscle. It is squeezed slowly, held for 3 seconds and relaxed. Repeat 10 times. For those who have trained the "love zone", the intensity of the load increases: the muscle is kept under tension for 10 seconds and also relaxed. The number of repetitions remains the same.
holding the ball
To perform this exercise, you will need a rubber or plastic ball. In a standing position, the legs are slightly bent at the knees, a ball is placed between them, and the gluteal muscles are tense. Try not to put pressure on the ball. Start with 30 times, gradually increasing up to 250.
Walk on the buttocks
They sit on the ass, legs stretch forward. The arms are bent at the elbows or even extended. In this position, they begin to advance 2 meters and then backwards. The buttocks move in turn, trying to make the "steps" small.
Raises the legs
Lying on your back (preferably on a soft surface), your hands are placed along the body. We do the following exercise:
- Raise your legs and slowly lower them until they touch the floor.
- They are held in this position for 10-15 seconds, if pain or discomfort is felt, immediately lower the limbs to their original position.
- They make 10 visits a day, not forgetting the breaks for rest.
stone retention
- Standing position, hands resting on hips.
- The workout begins with a slight flexion of the legs at the knees and at the same time with compression of the gluteal muscles.
- For more effective execution, you can imagine a person holding a stone between their legs.
Raise the pelvis
- Lie on your back on a hard surface.
- The knees are bent, the arms are extended along the body.
- Slowly raise your pelvis, without lifting your legs or arms off the floor.
- But they also slowly return to their original position.
- Repeat 10 times.
Concentration of attention
These exercises are aimed at controlling attention and consciousness and are performed according to detailed instructions:
- A man sits on the ground, naked or half naked.
- Begin to imagine intimate moments and caress the genitals.
- Try not to think about anything other than your own feelings.
- Thinking of the pleasure he gets, he caresses himself with the back of his hand.
- She focuses only on her own masculine dignity and tries to bring him into an upright state with a force of thought.
Raise the knee
- They stand with their backs to the wall and alternately try to raise their knees as high as possible, trying to reach the shoulders.
- The posture is kept straight, without bending the back.
- Perform 10 times in 3-4 sets.
Groin exercises
- The position is lying on the back.
- He lifts one leg and begins to rotate the limb, describing large circles.
- The leg is returned to its original position and the same is done with the other limb.
- Do this exercise twice a week for 3 sets.
An exercise familiar to all since kindergarten:
- Lie on your back, bend your knees.
- The fingers are intertwined behind the head.
- The legs make movements similar to those of a bicycle.
- The speed and duration of the movements are chosen at your discretion.
- Standing position, feet shoulder-width apart.
- The body is lowered so that the chest touches the knees.
- Jump as much as possible, legs crossed.
- Repeat 10 times for 3 sets.
- Lie on your back on the floor.
- Elbows rest on the floor.
- He raises his legs, supporting his waist with his palms.
It is performed standing, with the arms stretched along the body, or with the palms pressed against the wall and slightly bent forward. The task is to quickly walk in place, without taking your socks off the floor. You have to move for a minute, but with maximum speed.
- Lie on your stomach.
- They bend their knees and grab the ankles with their fingers (the position can be seen from the image on the Internet).
- They try to bend the body as much as possible and swing like a boat.
- They are held in this position for 30-60 seconds.
To prevent the floor from pressing against the ribs, a soft carpet or blanket needs to be spread.
- Take a lying position, as before the push-ups.
- Arms and legs are straight, palms are on the floor.
- Pull your knees to your chest.
- Pull one leg in turn and bring it back to the starting position. Then the same action is repeated with the other limb.
- Exercise starts slowly, gradually speeding up.
- Perform 10 times in 3-4 sets.

The squat should be done in the morning in addition to the general exercise. The main thing is not to bend over and keep your back straight:
- Legs shoulder-width apart.
- Without lifting your heels off the floor, squat as low as possible.
- The knees during the squat should stay in one place, not move forward or backward.
- Do 20 squats a day, increasing the number of repetitions over time.
- They sit on the floor, legs are bent at the knees and spread apart, closing in the feet (the photo of the position can be viewed on the Internet).
- The palms hold the ankles so that they do not rise during the workout.
- During the exercise, the back is kept straight, look ahead of you.
- They begin to slowly press their elbows onto their knees so that they touch the floor.
- Keep your knees on the ground for a few seconds and then relax.
- Over time, the tension in the muscles will cease to be acutely felt. So you can pick up the pace.

Simulated racing
You can strengthen the immune system and restore power by performing the following movements:
- Stand up with your hands on the wall. Relax your buttocks.
- Without lifting your socks off the ground, alternately raise your heels, as if to jump.
- Move your knees and heels, simulating a run.
- At the same time, the hips and buttocks should not be involved in the process, remaining relaxed and moving by inertia.
- The speed gradually increases.
- "Run" for a minute or two in two sets.
Turn the hula hoop
The rotation of the pelvis allows you to disperse the blood in the pelvis, warm up and prepare for the next more intense exercises. Standing, legs shoulder-width apart, hands resting on the sides. Start with 20-30 turns in each direction, gradually increasing the number of circles to 50-60.
Lie on your stomach, arms extended forward. Further:
- At the same time, they pull the arm forward and slightly up, and the legs back and also up.
- Hold for 3-5 seconds and relax.
- Hands can be connected or pulled separately.
This is how the muscles that directly affect the prostate gland are trained.
Big step
In a standing position, they begin to walk with their arms lowered along the body. During the exercise, it is necessary to raise the legs as high as possible, touching the abdomen with the knees. Gymnastic techniques to improve erection are also performed with dumbbells from 2 to 10 kg (it all depends on the level of fitness).
- Hands with dumbbells are lowered along the body.
- Step forward with one foot.
- They kneel, trying to keep the load in the starting position.
- Then return to the starting position and lunge with the other leg.
Lying on your back, bend your knees and spread them apart. The feet rest on the floor, the hands are relaxed. Tighten the internal muscles so that there is a feeling of constriction in the genital area and anus. Hold for a few seconds and relax. Repeat 10 times. This is one of the most important and useful exercises that restore power. It can be performed at any time of the day, even standing up. The more stress you get, the better. And you can also sit on a stool, spread your shoulders to the sides, keep your back straight. The torso is tilted slightly forward, the hands resting on the hips. Tighten the groin muscles, leaving the buttocks relaxed, linger and relax again. Do 10 repetitions.
- Standing position, feet shoulder-width apart.
- The knees do not bend and lean forward to reach the palms on the floor.
- If a man is inflexible or his stomach is in the way, just touch the floor with your fingers to get started.
- Start with 20 runs, gradually increasing the number up to 50.
Crossfit that bounces
- Starting position standing. The legs are shoulder-width apart.
- Squat down so that your knees touch your chest and your palms rest on the floor.
- They bring their legs back, as if they want to initiate a push-up.
- They return to the starting position, pressing the knees to the chest.
- From this position, jump as high as possible.
- Repeat the complex 10 times with three approaches.
Performing the exercise with the vacuum cleaner
They sit on a chair and imagine that the cereals are scattered on its surface. By contracting the pubic-coccygeal muscle, they create a sort of vacuum, as if sucking the "groats" like a vacuum cleaner. When done correctly, the gluteal muscles do not contract.
Train your pelvis
In the morning they do exercises by rotating the pelvis in a circle. At the same time, they try to move the hips in different planes, which will improve blood circulation in the groin and pelvic muscles. You can learn to draw a figure eight with the pelvis. In fact, in the moment of intimacy, you have to move in different ways. Static (static loads) strengthens the joints of the muscles and hips.
On your knees
Take a position on all fours. Your hips should be 90 degrees off the floor. Hands pressed to the floor, turn forward. Inhale lightly and gently move your pelvis towards your heels. When your buttocks reach your heels, sit on your heels, keeping your arms straight. You should feel tension in your back and lower back. Then return to the starting position and perform this exercise three more times. Over time, bring the number of repetitions to ten.
A simple exercise that can be done lying in bed immediately after waking up. From a lying position, turning on your stomach, put your hands under your shoulders (right - under the right shoulder, left - under the left). Straighten your hands, form a graceful deflection, lifting the buttocks as high as possible and arching the lower back. There is no need to tilt your head. Socks and chin should stretch in opposite directions. In this position, you should hold out for at least 10 seconds. Breathing should be even, calm, as if sipping.
- They lie on their stomachs, bend their legs at the knees, lift them up and wrap their arms around their ankles.
- As you exhale, raise your legs.
- Then lower your legs and relax, balancing your breath.
Tower crane
Taoist technique lessons help restore physical strength, restore libido, youth and beauty of the body. Perform the exercise step by step as follows:
- Fold your hands into the castle in the navel.
- Slowly stretch your neck down and forward - this helps to stretch the ligaments and joints of the spine.
- Lower the head so that the chin is pressed against the neck.
- The head and neck are pulled back.
The Tao technique involves four repetitions. Then the standard circular movements of the head are performed.
Power gymnastics
The most effective strength exercises for erection, which are performed in the gym or at home, are:
- Squat and bench press in a pose lying on your back with a barbell.
- Pull-up on the bar.
- Deadlift.
- Bench press in a pose lying on your back.
You can increase potency and overall tone by taking sports supplements. They include amino acids, icariin, tribulus, these elements contribute to the improvement of qualitative and quantitative indicators of the spermogram and to the compaction of muscle fibers.
- Lie on your back, hands behind your head or along your body.
- The legs are extended forward and lifted off the floor.
- They mimic the movement of scissors by crossing their limbs as they move.
- Repeat 20 times in 4 series.
- Position: lying down, fingers intertwined behind the neck.
- Breathing is uniform, the body is relaxed.
- One leg is lifted and briefly lingered. Trying to straighten it as much as possible and not straining.
- With the foot raised, they make circles, gradually increasing the radius.
- After 5-7 turns, lower the leg.
- Breathing in, repeat the action with the other leg.
Doctor of gymnastics
For training, you will need rubberized shock absorbers with rings at the ends. To improve blood flow, the doctor recommends carrying out classes with the following sequence:
- Attach the device in the center to any support and slide the feet into the rings.
- Go back a short distance to bring your knees up to your stomach from a prone position.
- In this case it is advisable to hold it with your hands to avoid moving the body towards the shock absorber.
- Do 5-10 pull-ups in two or three sets.
Eastern power and practices
Exercises to improve erectile function, videos of which are easy to find on the Internet, demonstrate the positions:
- Starting position - lying on your back. At the expense of one - they make a "birch", for two - put your legs behind your neck, you can not bend your knees or, conversely, lean on them. Both options have a positive effect on the development of male power.
- Suitable and such exercises to increase erection such as bridge and bridge "vice versa". You need to lie on your stomach, raise your head and wrap your arms around your ankles. Such a "boat" relaxes the muscles of the spine and stimulates blood circulation in the pelvis.
- Qigong gymnastics is recognized as easy and effective. You can master the knight pose. Starting position - standing. The spine is straight, the chin is pressed to the chest, the top of the head extends to the sky. At the same time, the legs are slightly apart, bent. The palms are folded into a boat. The muscles of the perineum are tensed with a deep breath and hold the air at number 10 when counting by themselves, then exhale slowly, straining the thumbs.
The proposed lessons will also be mastered by the man who was previously under physical strain on you. Morning sex will also help accelerate dynamics, harmony in relationships, with a partner and yourself, sometimes a massage will help to improve erectile function. These methods, with a systematic and responsible approach, will restore human health and become an obstacle to prostate diseases.
Outdoor workouts
A man can choose the following sport:
- Run. It is recommended to run 5-7 kilometers twice a week.
- Martial arts in nature.
- Training is a new training direction on uneven bars, horizontal bars, horizontal bars. You can do push-ups on the street.
- Swimming in outdoor pools, reservoirs.
- Yoga in nature will help you relax and get away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.
Rules and recommendations
- Sport must be practiced without fanaticism. If it is difficult to perform any physical exercise, the frequency is reduced and then the pace is increased.
- Work out regularly both in the gym and at home.
- Summer is a great time for outdoor sports.
- Go to the gym in the winter.
Useful and harmful sports for erection
Among all the existing types of training, it is desirable to prefer:
- Run. Has a positive effect on blood circulation in the pelvic organs, stimulates the prostate.
- A bicycle ride. Improves potency, makes blood flow to the groin. The small sites act as a real massage of the gland, stimulating the removal of harmful elements from its tissues together with the prostatic secretion.
- Lessons in the gym with barbell and dumbbells. Basic training contributes to a strong blood supply to the genitals, and exercises with free weights affect the synthesis of sex hormones.
- Yoga stabilizes the activity of all body systems and makes them work at full capacity.
Ordinary walks and long walks also give a positive result.
Motor racing and chess are unlikely to strengthen male sexual potential. Some doctors believe that cycling has a negative effect on the prostate, and therefore on erectile and reproductive capacity. Although there is no unequivocal opinion of medical specialists on this topic.
Proper nutrition
The diet of each man (if there are no individual contraindications) must include:
- fish (sea, river), seafood;
- fresh fruit;
- stewed, boiled, baked red and white meats;
- any nuts;
- vegetables - pumpkin, celery, pepper, garlic, onion;
- cereals - buckwheat, rice, oatmeal.
It is already clear how exercises for potency and sex affect the general condition of a man. But, like any prophylactic treatment and method, it has its limitations and drawbacks. For example, it is important to perform the movements correctly. For this, the following points are taken into account:
- Everyone's physical form is different. If it is difficult to cope with any kind of gymnastics, then you should not load yourself with force, wanting to achieve a positive effect. Everything should take place calmly, to the best of your abilities and strength, otherwise you can damage your own health.
- It is not worth being zealous by exercising too often or doing many exercises in one set. Exhausting workouts will not give a result similar to regular and harmonious ones.
- Some types of training require advance preparation, such as yoga. It is best to start the practice under the supervision of a trainer and, having acquired the basic skills, move on to classes at home. Failure to do so could result in serious injury.
- It is advisable to think about a sports program in advance and not do random exercises. You need to prepare: do not eat at least an hour before training. You should also warm up by doing simple movements that will help disperse the blood and warm the joints.
Like all complexes that activate blood flow, exercises that increase potency are not recommended for acute inflammatory processes (especially those occurring in the genitourinary system), as well as in the presence of oncological pathologies. Otherwise, the pathogenic cells will spread throughout the body, which will greatly aggravate the situation. It is better to refuse power sports for men who have joint problems to avoid injuries and deterioration of well-being.
Conclusions and reviews
- I have been doing Kegel exercises for several years. The result was, and also very good. I also stopped smoking and eating fatty foods. As soon as I lost weight, I started leading a healthy lifestyle and exercising, my potency became stronger. Man, 37 years old.
- Every day I start with a 2. 6km run. I do this at the local stadium, where there is a platform with street simulators. As soon as I perform my prescribed circles, do push-ups on the uneven bars, stand up on the horizontal bar and execute the "pistol". I cannot say that I have achieved exceptional sporting levels in bodybuilding or sexual stamina. But the charge of liveliness and energy that I get is not small. If I used to go to the office like a turtle, I constantly wanted to sleep and drink liters of coffee to somehow solve work tasks, now in the morning I am cheerful, my mood is excellent, the world is sparkling with new colors. Yes, and libido has increased, which I am incredibly happy with. Man, 40 years old.
- I knew that stretching, bicep swing, breathing techniques help you lose weight, strengthen erections and increase power. But I haven't been friends with sports since childhood. I recently had acute prostatitis. The doctor advised to avoid exertion and adhere to bed rest. I felt like a complete invalid. As soon as he recovered, he joined the gym, he quit smoking. Now I feel relatively normal and calm. Man, 31 years old.
It is not worth relying solely on physical education with weakened potency. The above exercises can really improve blood circulation in the pelvic area, increase testosterone levels in the body. However, an integrated approach helps to achieve a significant improvement in erectile function, including the use of vitamins, the rejection of addictions and proper nutrition. If the problem lies in diseases, it is necessary to carry out comprehensive treatment with the use of medicines, folk, manuals, physiotherapy.